Session 5 – Quality assurance in TNE
‘Strengthening cross-border cooperation in quality assurance of TNE’

Dr Fabrizio Trifiro’, Deputy International Manager, Quality Assurance Agency
Fabrizio Trifiro’ joined the QAA in 2009. He leads on the agency’s engagement with counterpart agencies overseas, undertakes reviews of TNE, and leads on the international student experience.
Fabrizio led the development of the Toolkit Cooperation in Cross-Border Higher Education: A Toolkit for Quality Assurance Agencies, as part of the international project supported by the European Union ‘Quality Assurance of Cross-Border Higher Education’ (QACHE); and has led the development of the QAA Guide to higher education providers Strengthening and Enhancing the Experience of International Students in the UK.
Fabrizio holds a PhD in Political Philosophy (University of London), a MA in Human Rights (University of Bologna), a MSc in Social Research Methods (University of Sussex), and a BA Hons in Philosophy (University of Bologna), and prior to joining QAA he held a number of research and lecturing posts in the UK, Ireland and Italy.
‘TNE students: Bridging the quality assurance gap’

Carolyn Campbell, Senior Consultant, Observatory on Borderless Higher Education
Carolyn Campbell has had a career in higher education policy and quality assurance at national and international levels. She is currently Senior Consultant at the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education. Carolyn is also the external Academic Board member for Ashridge-Hult Business School, and a member of the International Advisory Group of the Lumina Foundation in the USA.
Prior to this she was Head of International at the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. She also held a post in the Erasmus Bureau in Brussels managing the pilot project for the development of the European Credit Transfer Scheme and in the Education Development Centre at Roehampton University.
Carolyn’s research interests include the regulation, quality assurance and internationalisation of higher education. She has contributed to British Council, European Commission, Hefce, OECD and UNESCO publications and projects on cross border higher education and quality assurance.