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Call for chapter proposals for the book:

“Importing Transnational Education:

Capacity Building, Student Experience, and Sustainable Development.”


The TNE Hub is calling for chapters to be included in an edited collection, provisionally entitled “Importing Transnational Education: Capacity Building, Student Experience, and Sustainable Development”, to be published in 2019.


This book follows on from the Hub’s 1st edited book publication “Exporting Transnational Education: Institutional Practice, Policy and National Goals” published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2018.


In contrast to the first book where the emphasis was on home countries; the focus of the second edited book is on the impact of Transnational Education on host countries. Its core objective is to bring together current research and case studies that demonstrate the added value of Transnational Education in host countries. 


The envisaged thematic areas to be covered in the book are:

  1. Capacity building of HE in host countries (i.e. supply of HE, quality systems, academic staff development)

  2. Student experience in host countries (i.e. teaching and learning, student attainment, student satisfaction)

  3. Sustainable development (e.g. Goal 4 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals)

Proposal submissions

Final chapters will be a maximum of 5,000 words, including footnotes. The book will have 10-12 chapters. The deadline for the submission of full chapters is to be confirmed but it expected to be towards the end of February 2019.


Chapter proposal requirements

Chapter proposals should be of maximum 400 words and include the following:

  1. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s)

  2. A clear statement about the thematic area of the book (1-3 above) that the proposed chapter relates to

  3. A chapter synopsis of the planned content and main argument(s). If possible, please include major headings. 


Please send chapter proposals to by Friday 30 November 2018.

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