Networking/Partner matching event
Monday, 24 January 2022
With the support of
the Hellenic Universities’ Rectors Synod, the UK Department for Education and Universities UK International
UK-Greece Strategic Partnership in Education
to foster collaborations between UK and Greek UniversitiesMonday, 24 January 2022
Within the framework of this programme, we are hosting a networking event for Greek and British Universities aimed at developing institutional collaborations which will take place on 24 January and will commence at 1030 GMT.
The Greek Minister of Education, Niki Kerameus and the British Secretary of State for Education, Nadhim Zahawi will address the event at the opening session which aims to highlight opportunities and support the institutional collaborations between Greek and UK universities.
The partner matching activity is aimed at universities from both sides which are interested in having one-to-one discussions with specific institutions. The overall programme will have a duration of 3hrs, will commence at 1130 UK/1330 GR time and finish at 1430 UK/1630 GR. This is a speed dating activity with several individual meetings running in parallel and lasting no more than 30 min each to accommodate as many as possible within the specified times.
If the number of universities interested to participate and the volume of meetings will exceed the capacity which can be accommodated within this 3hr programme, we will inform you and organise a similar event within the week at an agreed timeframe with you to satisfy all your requests.
If you are interested to participate in this activity, please complete the form below