Transnational Education Conference
"Internationalisation strategies for success in globalised higher education. Non-western country perspectives"
Wednesday 14 June 2017
Kilpin Room, Nottingham Conference Centre
Small Heading
Purpose of the conference
Nottingham Trent University (NTU), as a truly global institution, utilises internationalisation as the backbone of its “Connecting Globally” strategic initiative. Specifically, NTU embraces “internationalisation at home” by internationalising the curriculum of its programmes and offering global exchange opportunities to its students. Additionally, through its strategic network of transnational education (TNE) collaborations, NTU utilises “internationalisation abroad” to grow the number of international students, develop cross-border research activity, and create strategic synergies.
The conference has two objectives:
First, to gather valuable insights about alternative internationalisation perspectives from non-western countries. This carries significant research value considering the emerging significant impact of internationalisation on higher education policy and governance. Additionally, internationalisation, as research area, facilitates interdisciplinary research and therefore widens the spectrum of potential follow-up research collaboration following the conference.
Second, to bring together representatives of the participating institutions and NTU stakeholders to facilitate/initiate negotiations for collaborative projects (e.g. programme mobility; collaborative research; teaching exchange; joint ventures).
Programme Outline
9.00 – 9.30 Registration and refreshments
9.30 – 9.40 Welcome
Vangelis Tsiligiris – Principal Lecturer, Nottingham Business School, NTU
9.40 – 9.55 NTU Internationalisation strategy
Stephen Williams – Director, NTU Global
9.55 – 11.10 Session 1 – India
Vidhi Sahae – NTU Regional Partnerships Coordinator (India)
Ramanjit Kaur Johal – Professor, Panjab University
Sumitra Singh – Assistant Professor, Amity University
11.10 – 11.35 Refreshments Break
11.35 – 12.45 Session 2 – Kenya
Teresa Dymond, NTU Regional Partnerships Coordinator (Europe, Africa, Americas, Australia)
Adams Oloo – Senior Lecturer, University of Nairobi
12.45 – 13.45 Buffet lunch and networking with speakers
13.45 – 15.00 Session 3 – China
Pei Liu – NTU Regional Partnerships Coordinator (China)
Xiaoshuai Zhang – International Programmes Manager, Shandong University [online presentation]
Weili Teng – Professor, Nottingham Business School, NTU
15.00 – 15.15 Closing remarks
Physical attendance to the conference is open to all NTU staff. Due to the limited number of places available, and the specific objectives of the conferences, a list of prospective delegates will be selected by the university college international managers and NTU Global.
The conference will be accessible to non-NTU audience, and primarily all TNE-Hub members, via web livestreaming. The link will be available here.
The conference will take place in Kilpin room, Nottingham Conference Centre, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU (city centre campus). Click here for more travel information.